This list is not complete nor will it ever will be. There are more examples and resources available in the UMCP aKDPhi Google Drive folder. Please refer to those as well, as these examples are from the Spring 2024 Semester.

Expand to view General Resources
    Used to view room availability.

Expand to view Rush-Specifc Resources
    Example of Rushee Sign-In
    Available at entrance of room for rush event, usually displayed on the computer of one of the event leads.
    Example of Rush Theme Idea Slides
    Slides created by the committee to brainstorm ideas for rush themes. Shared with Active House in a Discord poll to vote on a rush theme.

Expand to view Installs-Specifc Resources
    Example of Installs RSVP Form
    Google form to determine event headcount and organize ticket pricing, as well as inform the public of the event details (address, time, attire, etc.).

If there is a resource that can be added to this list, please let the developer know and they will add it as soon as possible. Alternatively, if a resource needs to be updated or changed, please let the developer know and they will fix it as soon as possible. Thank you!