Experience Log

Developer Note

AMEX Software Engineering Intern

Challenged over the course of three weeks to implement Microsoft Log Parser, C to Python coding project to sort user data, and AMEX software instruments using the Microsoft 365 environment.

Break Through Tech DC Program

Explored career fairs, student and staff socials, and IT workshops to facilitate diversity and inclusion within the professional and social culture of the STEM field.

Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion

Led educational programming events to enhance the experience within Greek Life on campus to promote solutions to issues and highlight areas of growth in the community, most recently one on the importance of Humanitarian Aid and discussion of the Palestinian-Israeli occupation this past November.

Active Sister of UMCP aKDPhi

Provided leadership opportunities in weekly meetings and detail-oriented projects for the national philanthropy of Breast Cancer Awareness, and the local philanthropy of Sustainability & Climate Change, as well as event planning to promote Asian-Awareness.

Webmaster for JPWH Program

Utilized HTML, CSS, and Javascript to self-publish a creative writing and career portfolio as a student in the Jiménez-Porter Writers' House Living & Learning Program.

Last updated April 9, 2024

Here is where I log and track my experiences, whether it be technical, social, academic, or a combination of those!

And of course, there are more experiences to come :)